Posted by: d.i.y. naturally | June 6, 2007

Surviving Your Freshman Year

Your first year in college may prove to be the hardest. Here are some things to keep in mind to help the transition go smoothly.

  1. Creat a schedule – make a calendar for all your classes: days, times, and class room… Putting the time in before the semester sarts will save you the confusion of finding a class durring your first week. Plus organization and time management are great life skills to develop. If you don’t have them, start now. Suggestion: try Google Calendar
  2. Always ask for help when you need it – Asking for help will save you a lot of time and may open your eyes to new ideas and better, quicker ways of doing things.
  3. Find a mentor – if you’re having a hard time with classes or time management or whatever, find a mentor that can help guide you in the right direction. A mentor is also very useful when it comes to choosing new classes for the next semester.
  4. Keep your priorities PRIORITIES – Socail activities are a big distraction in college. Who wouldn’t want to go to the movies over writting that essay? Getting sidetracked is one of the easiest things to do in college but keeping your priorities in order is one of the biggest contributors to your success.
  5. STOP Procrastination – It is so easy to jump on that procrastination station and put things off to no end but more times than not, procrastination will back fire. Term-papers, studying for finals, and other huge projects can alsways be tackled easier when you chunk them into smaller tasks. Begin by braking big projects down into small more managable tasks that can be accomplished in an hour or two.
  6. Don’t skip class – I know it’s tempting but this will really get you in deep without a shovel. Professors don’t appriciate you not being in class and always having to help you after hours. PLUS it’s a huge waist of money. Think about it – how much money are you spending on tuition?
  7. HAVE FUN! – College is a life changing time and you should make the most of it.

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